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Duane & Jennifer's {Engagement} Session Sneakpeek! | Canton GA Wedding Photographer, Engagement Portraits

That's right...Duane & Jennifer's engagement portraits!  For those of you that don't know, I will marry the love of my life on September 17, 2011.  Here is a sneakpeek from our engagement session...a special thanks to Mark for the killer images (unfortunately he wouldn't let
me shoot my own lol!).

Our serious faces...well, as serious as we could be!

I love this wall...

This is a new location...I think we'll be back in the future!

I also like the wall in B&W!

This is one of my favorites...a perfect silhouette.

Thanks again to Mark!  Our clients always ask how they are supposed to choose 
from all the images we shoot...now we know how it feels!


Anonymous said...

Love it...Love it...Love it!!! Jamie P.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I love the location too!
Kay M.

MarW said...

Great pictures! Good looking couple, too!

Shelly Lusk said...

LOVE all of these! Yall are such a beautiful couple! The location is gorgeous!

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