
Thank you for visiting our blog! We hope you enjoy seeing what we have been doing, and check back often. We will be posting sneakpeeks of sessions, weddings, and anything else that is going on at the studio. We will also let you know of special sessions or deals we are offering.

Joe & Julie's Wedding Rehearsal {Sneakpeek}

Here are a few images from Joe & Julie's wedding rehearsal at Southern Tree Plantation in Blairsville, Georgia.  We will be posting their wedding sneakpeek soon!

What a beautiful view of the Blue Ridge mountains...and a wonderful background for a wedding!

Madison, the cute flowergirl...showing off her blue eyes!

And rolling down the hill!

Joe & Pastor Doug...looking serious.

We're not sure what's going on up there, but we love Julie's reaction!

Joe & Julie...the awesome couple!

Julie & her dad, Randy:


Anonymous said...

Yay! Thanks Iconic for coming to our wedding rehearsal! I feel so special we are a part of your first blog! Ya'll are amazing!`Julie

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